Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I took this video at Haru Matsuri Uhamka 2010 :). Doraemon Ost. performed by Jellyfish.


If you do like reading Fanfiction, especially Miroku/Sango pairing from Inuyasha, then go for this one.The story below is just a small part of its original fic.


Author  : LuxKen27 
Tittle    : Fragments, Ch 8. This Twist of Fate

She's going to say goodbye, he realized, a spear of pain slicing through his gut. And there's nothing I can do to stop her.

"You should go," she murmured starkly, twisting the bedclothes even more tightly around herself.

He squeezed his eyes shut as a shaky breath rose in his chest. "Sango –" he started.

"No," she burst out, unable to conceal the tremble of accompanying tears in her voice. "Just go."

He moved across the mattress, reaching out to touch her, to reignite the connection that had bound them together so swiftly only a few hours earlier. "You have nothing to be ashamed of," he said, brushing his fingers across her back.

"I know," she replied forcefully, but under the intensity of her voice he heard the strength of her fear.

Another time, another place…he'd known that very fear. He could be empathetic to the pressure and strain she was under; he could understand the way she felt boxed in by her own guilt, as if she had no other choice but to submit to the manipulations of the man running the show. But at that very moment, he was also cognizant of his own rawness and vulnerability. Whether she meant it or not, the chill of her rejection struck him at the very core.

"You don't owe him anything," he muttered, surprising himself with the force of jealousy in his voice.

She whipped around to face him then, rebellious tears splashing down her cheeks. "I owe him my life," she argued through clenched teeth before burying her face in her hands.

He gathered her in his arms then, holding her as close as humanly possible, as though he'd never be able to close the gulf rising fast and hard between them. "Then why did you stay with me instead?"

She shook her head and sobbed into his shoulder, unwilling to answer him or even return the embrace. "This isn't real," she blubbered. "This isn't who I am. I don't lie. I don't cheat."

"I think you know, this is very real," he countered softly, pulling away just enough to press his lips to hers. Her response was swift, immediate, melting into him; her need and fear and anguish was acute, palpable, blatant.

She pushed away after a moment. "No," she insisted. "This isn't real. You don't know me."

Miroku's jaw dropped. "I don't know you? I know everything about you." His mind was racing. How could she say such a thing? Now? After everything we've been through – done together –

"And I don't know anything about you," she shot back.

The rational part of him realized it was her renewed grief talking, but the emotional side of him balked at the denial rampant in her words. He couldn't shove away the hurt that rose up within him, the result of laying his heart bare, only to have it thrown back in his face. Could she make it any clearer that he had no place in her world? That, because he had nothing beyond love and compassion to offer her, he wasn't good enough for her? Look around! cried the little voice in his head. Karanousuke is an idiot, but he can give her the moon!

"Maybe you're right," he conceded. "Maybe this is all a dream. But there's nothing wrong with holding onto dreams."

"Not when reality slaps you in the face," she muttered bitterly.

He could take no more of this. He'd already known he was going to suffer, whether it was with her or not. He wanted to be there for her; he wanted to hold her and show her life was worth living even after heart-rending tragedy, but he couldn't stop her from pushing him away. He couldn't – he wouldn't – force her to relive this pain and anguish every day, as her fiancé seemed content to do.

"One day, you're going to realize you deserve to be happy, Sango," he finally said, pulling away from her completely and standing up. He moved around the room, dressing and gathering his belongings. She was silent, but she stayed, alternating between watching him and looking away, as if unable to refute him but not unwilling to try.

Finally, against every good grain of his body, he made the toughest decision of his life: he left her there without another word. It wasn't until he was safely in the elevator once more that he allowed himself to give in to his own tears. Just remember, he told himself, eyeing his ruddy reflection in the mirrored steel doors. Sometimes goodbye is a second chance.


 My favorite part :D

"Maybe you're right," he conceded. "Maybe this is all a dream. But there's nothing wrong with holding onto dreams."

"Not when reality slaps you in the face," she muttered bitterly.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Meet Akechi, PCP's rival >D Ooh, this story is getting more interesting!! I can't wait to cosplayin' as them X3


SAY WHAT?? This is the reason why we should read Bakuman!!!


This is what did I do on my break time @office. Lol.


Another random pics. I dunno why - It's not like I am a fujoshi or something (eww I don't worship Yaoi ¬¬') but for some reason I found these pages was quite entertaining LOL XDDD

P.s: "Nin-Nin" is the word that the ninja man says everytime he speak www. I dunno what he means by that btw :P


Thursday, August 26, 2010

I've made a new blog at FC2 Blog~ X3



Wednesday, August 25, 2010

are like
apples on trees.
The best ones are
at the top of the tree.The
boys dont want to reach
for the good ones because they
are afraid of falling and getting hurt.
Instead, they just get the rotten apples
from the ground that aren't as good,
but easy. So the apples at the top think
something is wrong with them, when in
reality, they're amazing. They just
have to wait for the right boy to
come along, the one who's
brave enough to
climb all
the way
to the top
of the tree.

An inspirational piece I found on someone's page. I forgot who it was, but I just HAD to post it here!


Friday, August 20, 2010

Beberapa alesan kenapa gw suka Bakuman?

• Ceritanya UNIK. Gw pikir ceritanya bakalan ga menarik, dua anak SMP yang punya cita-cita jadi mangaka dan pengen memulai debut anime sebelum berusia 18 tahun. Tapi ternyata gw salah. Ceritanya keren dan ga ngebosenin! XDD Seru aja ngeliat perjuangan mereka (Saiko dan Shujin, jagoannya nih) ngadepin saingan-saingan yang ga kalah hebat (kayak Niizuma-shisho!! XD Oya disini karakter Niizuma itu mirip-mirip L, jenius yang abnormal *?*)

• Genrenya school-life (slice-of-life juga), humor dan roman. Ringan, tapi tetep berbobot. Simpel tapi, wow. :>♥ whaha.

• Isinya ga cuma tentang satu cerita. Maksudnya, ya namanya juga cerita tentang mangaka, apa sih kerjaan mangaka kalo bukan ngebuat manga? Contohnya: Detective Trap, Money and Inteligence, sama Perfect Crime Party! (karya Saiko sama Shujin a.k.a Ashirogi Muto (pen name mereka)), Crow, Natural+ (karya Niizuma Eiji -> kalo yg Natural+ itu duetnya Eiji ama Iwase, saingannya Shujin), Otters 11, Kiyoshi Knight dan beberapa manga lain yang ceritanya ga kalah menarik deh (gw ga hapal, banyak banget XD).
Saking kerennya, gw berharap cerita-cerita itu dibuat manga aslinya *♥* fuuuuu. AMIN AMIN AMIN.

Haaaaah. Banyak si alesan lainnya, tp cape ah ngetiknya haha. Mendingan baca aja Bakuman langsung, tp karna di Indo blm keluar tankoubonnya jadi kita baru bisa ngeliat dr situs-situs mangascan aja. ~X( ngga puaaaas.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

From Wikipedia :)


Volume list

No. Title Japanese release English release
1 Dreams and Reality
Yume to Genjitsu (夢と現実)
January 5, 2009

August 3, 2010

  1. "Dreams and Reality" (夢と現実 "Yume to Genjitsu")
  2. "Dumb and Smart" (馬鹿と利口 "Baka to Rikō")
  3. "Pen and Storyboard" (ペンとネーム "Pen to Nēmu")
  4. "Parents and Children." (親と子 "Oya to Ko")
  5. "Time and Keys." (時と鍵 "Toki to Kagi")
  6. "Good and Bad." (ピンとキリ "Pin to Kiri")
  7. "Smiles and Blushes." (笑顔と赤面症 "Egao to Sekimenshō")
2 Chocolate and Akamaru.
Choko to Akamaru (チョコと赤マル)
March 4, 2009 November 2, 2010
  1. "Carrot and Stick." (アメとムチ "Ame to Muchi")
  2. "Conditions and Tokyo." (条件と上京 "Jōken to Jōkyō", lit. "Conditions and Moving to Tokyo")
  3. "Anxiety and Waiting." (不安と期待 "Fuan to Kitai")
  4. "Regrets and Understanding." (後悔と納得 "Kōkai to Nattoku")
  5. "10 and 2." (10と2 "Jū to Ni")
  6. "Chocolate and Akamaru." (チョコと赤マル "Choko to Akamaru")
  7. "Feast and Graduation." (御馳走と卒業 "Gochisō to Sotsugyō")
  8. "Send and Reply." (送信と返信 "Sōshin to Henshin")
  9. "Flash Report and The Real Thing." (速報と本ちゃん "Sokuhō to Honchan")
3 Debut and Impatience.
Debyū to Aseri (デビューと焦り)
June 4, 2009 February 1, 2011
  1. "Battles and Copying." (バトルと模写 "Batoru to Mosha")
  2. "Rivals and Friends." (ライバルと友達 "Raibaru to Tomodachi")
  3. "Debut and Impatience." (デビューと焦り "Debyū to Aseri")
  4. "Future and Stairs." (未来と階段 "Mirai to Kaidan")
  5. "Wall and Kiss." (壁とキス "Kabe to Kisu")
  6. "Obstacle and Youth." (邪魔と若さ "Jama to Wakasa")
  7. "Conceit and Kindness." (天狗と親切 "Tengu to Shinsetsu")
  8. "Notebooks and Characters." (ノートとキャラ "Nōto to Kyara")
  9. "Jealousy and Love." (嫉妬と愛 "Shitto to Ai")
4 Call and Eve.
Denwa to Zen'ya (電話と前夜)
August 4, 2009 May 3, 2011
  1. "Two and One." (2人と1人 "Futari to Hitori")
  2. "Tactician and Deceiving." (策士と騙し "Sakushi to Damashi")
  3. "Cooperation and Conditions." (協力と条件 "Kyōryoku to Jōken")
  4. "Literature and Music." (文学と音楽 "Bungaku to Ongaku")
  5. "Solidarity and Breakdown." (団結と決裂 "Danketsu to Ketsuretsu")
  6. "Tuesday and Friday." (火曜と金曜 "Kayō to Kin'yō")
  7. "Call and Eve." (電話と前夜 "Denwa to Zen'ya")
  8. "Yes and No." (ありとなし "Ari to Nashi")
  9. "The Chaser and the Chased." (追う者と追われる者 "Ou Mono to Owareru Mono")
5 Anthology and Photobooks.
Bunshū to Shashinshū (文集と写真集)
November 4, 2009 -
  1. "Joy and Lonesomeness." (嬉しさと寂しさ "Ureshisa to Sabishisa")
  2. "Silence and Party." (沈黙と宴 "Chinmoku to Utage")
  3. "Director and the Last Performer." (取締役とトリ "Torishimariyaku to Tori")
  4. "Window and Snow." (窓と雪 "Mado to Yuki")
  5. "Anthology and Photobooks." (文集と写真集 "Bunshū to Shashinshū")
  6. "Sea and Ups-and-Downs." (海と浮き沈み "Umi to Ukishizumi")
  7. "Shoring up and Patience." (テコと我慢 "Teko to Gaman")
  8. "Laughter and Lines." (笑いとセリフ "Warai to Serifu")
  9. "Joke and News." (ボケとニュース "Boke to Nyūsu")
6 Reckless and Guts.
Mucha to Konjō (無茶と根性)
January 4, 2010 -
  1. "Returning Favors and Opposite." (恩返しと裏返し Ongaeshi to Uragaeshi)
  2. "Disease and Drive." (病気とやる気 Byōki to Yaruki)
  3. "Eyes Power and Cooperation." (目力と協力 "Mejikara to Kyōryoku")
  4. "Contradiction and Reason." (矛盾と理由 "Mujun to Riyū")
  5. "Life-and-Death and Standstill." (生死と静止 "Seishi to Seishi"
  6. "Recall and Call." (リコールとコール "Rikōru to Kōru")
  7. "Reckless and Guts." (無茶と根性 "Mucha to Konjō")
  8. "Resumption and Low Rank." (再開と下位 "Saikai to Kai")
  9. "Impressions and Dash." (感想と疾走 "Kansō to Shissō")
7 Gag and Serious.
Gyagu to Shiriasu (ギャグとシリアス)
March 4, 2010 -
  1. "18 and 40." (18と40 "Jūhachi to Yonjū")
  2. "Gag and Serious." (ギャグとシリアス "Gyagu to Shiriasu")
  3. "Three Cuts and Three Works." (3カットと3作 "Sankatto to Sansaku")
  4. "Adult and Child." (大人と子供 "Otona to Kodomo")
  5. "Assigning and Draw." (フリワケと引き分け "Furiwake to Hikiwake")
  6. "Single Digit and Double Digits." (一桁と二桁 "Hitoketa to Futaketa")
  7. "Experience and Data." (経験とデータ "Keiken to Dēta")
  8. "Men and Women." (男性と女性 "Dansei to Josei")
  9. "Alliance and Classmates." (同盟と同級 "Dōmei to Dōkyū")
8 Panchira and Saviour.
Panchira to Kyūseishu (パンチラと救世主)
April 30, 2010 -
  1. "Novel and Letter." (小説と手紙 "Shōsetsu to Tegami")
  2. "Distrust and Trust." (不信と信用 "Fushin to Shin'yō")
  3. "The Same and Secret." (まんまと隠し事 "Manma to Kakushigoto")
  4. "Obstinate and Obedient." (頑固と素直 "Ganko to Sunao")
  5. "Monkeys and Marriage." (猿と結婚 "Saru to Kekkon")
  6. "Panchira and Saviour." (パンチラと救世主 "Panchira to Kyūseishu")
  7. "Toilet and Bath." (トイレとお風呂 "Toire to Ofuro")
  8. "Special Relationship and Hometown." (特別な仲と田舎 "Tokubetsu na Naka to Inaka")
  9. "Three Times and Another Work." (三度目と2本目 "Sandome to Nihonme")
9 Ability and Pride.
Sainō to Puraido (パンチラと救世主)
August 4, 2010 -
  1. "Ability and Pride." (才能とプライド "Sainō to Puraido")
  2. "Complaint and Roar." (文句と一喝 "Monku to Ikkatsu")
  3. "Fate and Star." (縁と星 "En to Hoshi")
  4. "Contemporaries and Fighting Spirit." (同級生と闘争心 "Dōkyūsei to Tōsōshin")
  5. "New Home and New Series." (新居と新連載 "Shinkyo to Shinrensai")
  6. "Decisive Gag and Message." (決めギャグとメッセージ "Kime Gyagu to Messēji")
  7. "Love and Rejection." (大好きと否定 "Daisuki to Hitei")
  8. "Quitting and Not Quitting." (やめるとやめない "Yameru to Yamenai")
  9. "Selfishness and Advice." (わがままとアドバイス "Wagamama to Adobaisu")

Chapters not yet in tankōbon format

These chapters have yet to be published in a tankōbon volume. They were originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from January 2010 to May 2010.
  1. "Appearance and Greetings." (見ためと挨拶 "Mitame to Aisatsu")
  2. "Adventure and Advance." (冒険と口説き "Bōken to Kudoki")
  3. "Hint and Best." (ヒントとベスト "Hinto to Besuto")
  4. "Spy and Next Work." (スパイと次回 "Supai to Jikai")
  5. "One-Piece and Surprise." (ワンピースとサプライズ "Wanpīsu to Sapuraizu")
  6. "The Perfect Crime and First Hurdle." (完全犯罪と第一関門 "Kanzen Hanzai to Daiichi Kanmon")
  7. "Winning and Losing." (勝ちと負け "Kachi to Make")
  8. "Cake and Formidable Enemies." (ケーキと強敵 "Kēki to Kyōteki")
  9. "Imagination and Presentation" (表現力と想像力 "Hyōgenryoku to Sōzōryoku")
  10. "Title and Character Design" (タイトルとキャラデザ "Taitoru to Kyaradeza")
  11. "Art and Product" (芸術と商品 "Geijutsu to Shōhin")


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

ummm, right now i'm thinking of Panic at the disco's song, "When the day met the night" :) dunno why XD

Ask me anything

umm >///<

Ask me anything

Guess who!

Nacchii ♥♥

Ask me anything

*thinking* SURE X3

Ask me anything

Cincau XDDD LOL it's an Indonesian food :P

Ask me anything

Hunter x Hunter XD or Sailormoon? I kinda forget XDD

Ask me anything
